Friday, January 8, 2010

Triton Custom Bike by Southsiders with the help of Daniel Delfour

This custom Triton motorcycle by Southsiders and help from Daniel Delfour has a fresh design that involves both the vintage and the cutting edge, a mix of black-and-chrome that just has HELLAHOOD class.I seem to be more interested in vintage bikes then looking at these new sportbikes these days that dont have class or originality.

1 comment:

  1. dear HellaHoodyboo, if bloggers are the new journalists, they must be as rigorous with the infos they provide to their readers as newspaper men were (good ones)_this machina is not designed by ace maker Delfour but by two fellows Charriaut & Prat calling their pal for manufacturing the CP Project One_here :
    congrat for your keen blog
